Book Club Questions: A Dance in the Devil’s Arms

Code of Souls Book 1: Pride
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  • Would you recommend ADITDA to someone?

    Why or why not (or with what caveats)?

  • What kind of reader would most enjoy ADITDA?
  • Did you find the author’s writing style easy to read or hard to read?


  • How long did it take you to get into the book?
  • Who was your favorite character?

    What character did you identify with the most?

    Were there any characters that you disliked?


  • Did any part of ADITDA strike a particular emotion in you?

    Which part and what emotion did the book make you feel?

  • What surprised you the most about the book?

    What surprised you the most about the book?

  • Was there any part of the plot or aspects of the characters that frustrated or upset you?

    If so, why?

  • How thought-provoking did you find ADITDA?

    Did it change your opinion about anything, or did you learn something new from it?

    If so, what?

  • Rate ADITDA on a scale of 1 to 10, with ten being the highest.

    Why did you give it the rating you did?

    Did any of the discussion change your original opinion of the book?

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